Matthew was born, without warning, a sword of revelry in one hand and a word processor in the other. In the following years he put both to recommended and discouraged use and today considers himself a man of many dispositions. No you don’t. Yes I do.
He is an award winning film-producer and screenwriter of two short films and one full-length feature. His short film The Bully (2010) was the recipient of numerous awards and was part of thirteen film festivals across the country. His feature film Neptune from LAST HOUSE PRODUCTIONS premiered in May 2015 and is an Official Selection of the 2016 Slamdance Film Festival.
Matthew is also a widely published author of fiction and poetry in publications including Danse Macabre, The Eunoia Review, Linguistic Erosion, Liquid Imagination, the Newer York, Paragraph Planet, Postcard Shorts, Sein and Werden, Streetcake Magazine and Theme of Absence. Contact Matthew at
[email protected]