What happens when forgiveness, adoption and reconciliation converge in the form of a tiny baby? Miracles occur and lives are changed.
A baby is left on an orphanage doorstep in Chongqing, China. Born with a heart defect and no chance of survival without surgery, her only hope is an elderly caregiver named Chien, a God of love and his son Yesu.
A world away, in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, a woman named Katie Phelps has dreamed of becoming a mother her whole life but there are two problems: she can’t get pregnant and her husband Aaron isn’t convinced he wants to be a father. Growing up fatherless in the inner city left a hole in Aaron’s heart that he’d blocked off from everyone – including God.
As they stumble through the trying and expensive world of fertility, then into the equally complex world of foreign adoption, emotional battles and heart-wrenching decisions threaten to rip their marriage apart until God moves to bring them together in unforeseen ways.
- Publication Date
- Sep 30, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Matthew Meadors
- Format