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The Five Miracle Keys Of Salvation

The Five Miracle Keys Of Salvation

ByMaximilien Etoiles Ngoie

This book is a message from God straight to all the believers. It hast he mandate to bring forth evidences that the Holy Spirit exists. The church need to understand, today, that the logic of the supernatural is presented from the awareness that the Gospel was entrusted to her by Jesus Christ. John the Baptist came with the first testimony, presenting Jesus as the lamb who takes away the sin of the world, and Jesus Christ came with the second testimony, which is the works of the Father or the Five Miracle Keys Of Salvation. Therefore, the Church is required to be filled with the word of God and has to be moved with compassion of the lost, so that she can do many miracles. As part of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ presents to us the Five Miracles Keys Of Salvation, which are the results of the supernatural. In Jesus name, we are called to drive out demons, to speak in new tongues or preach the good news, pick up snakes with our hands and when we drink deadly poison it will not hurt us at all; we will place our hands on sick people and they will get well.


Publication Date
Mar 15, 2023
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Maximilien Etoiles Ngoie



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