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Secrets of Vedic Astrology Yogas – Book Part I of III [First 100 out of 300 Yogas]

Secrets of Vedic Astrology Yogas – Book Part I of III [First 100 out of 300 Yogas]

Explore the Indian Astrology


This is Vedic Astrology Yoga Beginners book Part 1. It contains an Introduction to the Origins and Core Concepts of Jyotish Yoga. The essential of vedic astrology is written in 225 pages. This is a Guide to the fundamentals of Jyotish (Jothidam) Yoga. This book contains all ABC of Vedic Astrology from Planets, Stars to Yogas details. The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology can be understood knook and corner if you study this book. This vedic astrology book is a handbook to beginners as well as intermediate astrologers. I explained the Secrets of Vedic Astrology Yogas such as planet combinations in 12 signs. This book is for Beginner to Intermediate Astrology Learners. The author explained in paragraphs about Each and Every important (250) Yogas. Students are advised to find out those yoga combinations in clients horoscope by themselves. Here we are going to see 250 Yogas. Yoga name, planets positions and effects are briefed. Indian Ancient Vedic Astrology Planet combinations are discussed. For example: Yoga Name: a) Planet Combination b) Benefits 1. Gajakesari Yoga Jupiter in kendra from Moon Gajkesari yog hints that you may have a number of relatives in your life span. In terms of personality, you would be someone who is generous and cares about people in his/her vicinity. You are destined to accomplish development work as a higher authority like a magistrate. This yoga ensures you a lasting reputation even long after death. Like this...


Publication Date
Apr 19, 2024
Religion & Spirituality
Creative Commons NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)



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