An in depth inquiry into a Bible based explanation of reality,scripture,and supernatural phenomena. Included in the discussion are the Holy Trinity and godhead mystery,the 666 mystery,identity of Ezekiel's cherubim,an exploration of God's secret wisdom,the meaning of various scripture related symbols,insight into the layout of the visible and invisible creation,and an explanation of various supernatural phenomena such as UFO's and ghost sightings.
- Publication Date
- Jun 8, 2015
- Language
- English
- 9781329129474
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Michael Dale
- Format
scripturemysteryBibleChristianityGodsecretknowledgetruthJesus666trinitycherubimsons of Goddaughters of mensecret wisdomsymbolssymbolismrapturefalling awayantichristthe beastprophecyrevelationLaodiceaChurch of Philadelphiaaliens and ufosghosts sightingswheels in wheelsstones of firesea of glassark of the covenantfirst born of creationonly begottenthe false prophetmark of the beastBabylon the whoreBabylon the greatbeast from the seawoman with twelve stars upon her headlake of firethe new milleniumthe garden of Edenthe land of nodthe nephilimthe giants