This book seeks to actively involve the reader in the heuristic processes of conjecturing, discovering, formulating, classifying, defining, refuting, proving, etc. within the context of Euclidean geometry. The book deals with many interesting and beautiful geometric results, which have only been discovered during the past 300 years such as the Euler line, the theorems of Ceva, Napoleon, Morley, Miquel, Varignon, etc. Extensive attention is also given to the classification of the quadrilaterals from the symmetry of a side-angle duality.
Many examples lend themselves excellently for exploration on computer with dynamic geometry programs such as Sketchpad. The book is addressed primarily to university or college lecturers involved in the under-graduate or in-service training of high school mathematics teachers, but may also interest teachers who are looking for enrichment material, and gifted high school mathematics pupils.
- Publication Date
- Sep 28, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Michael de Villiers
- Format