Dancing with Hyenas is a tour-de-force that blends excellent prose with fact-driven stories to give a fresh perspective of the black struggle against the oppressive conditions of apartheid South Africa. The reader is taken ‘behind the scenes’ to conversations and strategy sessions in which successive generations of black youths are conscientized about the ideals of the liberation struggle.
In the book, author Mzi Mahola tells the stories in evocative, authentic, and thought-provoking narrative. Elsewhere he recounts the deep soul-searching exchanges among the black youth about the goals and efficacy of the Black Consciousness Movement in advancing cause of black liberation. His accounts are remarkably accurate, especially given the fifteen-year range over which the book is written.
What is most refreshing about Dancing with Hyenas is the emic perspective it takes since most of the books on the topic are written by outside observers. This is a one-of-a-kind book- amust-read for any interested in learning from indigenous blacks how they were able to make meaning of the lives while confronted by vagaries and vicissitudes of that vicious system, which was finally brought down in the early 1990s.
Mzamo P Mangaliso
Professor, Isenberg School of Management
University of Massachusetts – Amherst MA
Dancing with Hyenas is a bout rites of passage of a young man hurled into maturity in a troubled land. Mzikayise Mahola conveys the story choosing words with the precision and dexterity of a poet, recalling events and painting them with the skill reserved for great story tellers. The book enthralls as it enables the reader to journey with Lizo through the labyrinth of dark paths in a perilous South Africa.
We do not know how he will, survive the wrath of the system whose vultures always hover with devilish zeal and sickening patience. Lizo thrives in a world that betrays talented and ambitious youth. Mahola lucidly captures the snippets of history, sharing hopes and shattered dreams in the trapping of the old South Africa. Indeed, this book is a piece of history that exemplifies how many young people experienced the rough ride into brittle futures.
Vuysile T. Msila
Professor and Head, Institute for African Renaissance Studies, University of South Africa (UNISA)
Dancing with Hyenas offers a riveting account of life under South Africa Aparthied. Lizo’s autobiography evokes memories of “Coming of Age” stories by James Bladwin, Chinua Achebe and Frantz Fanon. Stori
- Publication Date
- Oct 18, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9781678026714
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Mzi Mahola, Cover design or artwork by: Ilitha Publishers, Revised by: Apiwe Mahola
- Pages
- 214
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)
Mzi MaholaOlive Schreiner Literature PrizeAparthiedPaperbackMzikayise Winston MaholaAutobiographyWalter R AllenVuyisile MsilaChinua AchebeFrantz FanonJames BladwinNovelMzamo MangalisoCandy Neubert - Zen FrogRobert Freemantle - Selected Letters: Al Krok, Peter Strauss - The Owl and The MoonTatamkhulu Afrika - The Angel & Other PoemsPatrick Cullinan - TransformationLynne Bryer - The Cancer YearsSouth Africa SA Review of BooksEnglish AcademyNicholas MeihuizenStanley NyamfukudzaChris DohertyStrange ThingsLynne StuartThe Rustica PressBleksemWith A Little HelpIlitha PublishersNobody For President Pty Ltd