This book is about the end times and the judgements of Eloah (God) that are about to take place. This is a final warning to Eloah's errant people to come out of Babylon and turn back to Father Yahweh's righteousness. The sons of man i.e., Adam is coming to an end in the very near future. It is not remotely possible to put all of the incredible spiritual knowledge of Eloah in one book. I cover the Plan of Salvation in its most intimate detail beginning with the Mazzaroth i.e., the 48 Constellations. Then the Sign of the Son of Man, the Wondering Stars, the Moedim - Appointed Times, the Enoch Zodiac, Beast of the Earth-the Second Beast, the Mystery Religion of Babylon, the False Prophet of the Second Beast, Beast of the Sea-the First Beast, Eloah's Mystery Language, the Doctrine of Righteousness, the 7 Spirits i.e., the 7-Fold Spirit of Father Yah and much more. I then in great detail through the Hebraic mindset and spiritual understanding explain Revelation 1 through 22. I explain each and every verse written within Revelation what is about to take place at the coming of the Millennial Reign as well as up and through the Great White Thrown Judgement on into the Eternal Reign. I am Nabi Yahqob a chosen son/witness/servant and soldier of Father Yah.
- Publication Date
- Oct 15, 2021
- Language
- English
- 9780578844039
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Nabi Yahqob
- Pages
- 526
- Binding Type
- Paperback Perfect Bound
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
ProphecyEnd TimesEnd of DaysLoveFaithBeliefRevelationPeaceHopeJoyPrayerHoly SpiritGraceForgivenessSalvationRedemptionSacrificeLake of FireJudgementYahshuaBabylonPassoverFeast DaysSabbathSon of ManTheologyEschatologyBiblical StudySanctificationTorahKingsJudgesProphetsDisciplesBibleMazzarothMessiahWisdomRighteousnessParablesTanakhFoundationCreationResurrectionBlessingZodiacFatherYahwehEloahJesus