Sometimes... It's in the look. It's in the way eyes speak across rooms. The message clear and deliberate. Sometimes... It's in the touch. It's in the whisper of fingers on skin; the grip of hands on moist flesh; the caress of cheek against chest. Sometimes... It's in the voice. It's in the hushed sighs and raw groans; the playful giggles that merge seamlessly into passionate moans. Sometimes, though,... It's in the kiss. It's in the soft of lips as they trace sentiments warmly against mouth and tongue and body and soul... Sometimes Words can paint the pictures; the kisses on the canvas of paper as if skin and, therein, lay the origins of this book. I give you... Soul Kisses
- Publication Date
- Feb 14, 2014
- Language
- English
- Category
- Poetry
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Pamela Best
- Format