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The Land of the Central Sun

The Land of the Central Sun

ByPark Wintrhop

The sailing ship Garden City, bound from San Francisco to New York by way of the Horn, is struck by a severe storm, the vessel is sent far to the south out of her course, and finally brings up on an ice field, after losing overboard all except four passengers and one sailor, Tom Applegate. Although they are in no immediate danger, there seems small chance of ultimate rescue, but finally a strange air ship appears above them, a ladder is let down, and they are taken on board by the owner, who introduces himself as Baron Montavo. They are royally entertained, though they cannot but feel that there is a mystery about the whole experience-a mystery that is farther than ever from elucidation when the air ship enters a hole in the earth and begins to drop downward. After days of traveling the air ship comes to a stop and the baron conducts his guests to a palace where they are presented to the queer dwarf rulers of the land-the strange, new land in which they find themselves-the inside of the earth.


Publication Date
Jun 22, 2019
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Park Wintrhop



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