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Poaching of couples -the psychology of adultery-

Poaching of couples -the psychology of adultery-

Infidelity, the woman who steals husbands, the adulterer, causes, consequences, and coping strategies.

ByPhillip A Johansen

Adultery has always been considered in various cultures and religions as a violation of the conjugal pact, that of mutual fidelity. Despite this, the same rod was never used to condemn the adulterer: male infidelity has always been more tolerated. Could it be that women cheat less than men? That your sexual appetite and for extramarital relationships is less? Modern studies have forged the word "Mate poaching" that investigates the reasons why both men and women are interested in committed couples, emerging qualifiers such as "steals or husband hunters". Why do married men become more interesting? Why does the desire for a friend's boyfriend arise? How do psychopaths, serial traitors, or energy vampires behave in their relationship? This book focuses on the reasons why adultery occurs, its protagonists, the consequences, and strategies to overcome them.


Publication Date
Nov 6, 2023
Parenting & Families
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Phillip A Johansen



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