First two chapters. Charles Smyth or Charlie to his friends; unmarried, in his late twenties and a former bank manager from London, has financially and emotionally hit bottom as the victim of a credit crunch warning tremor. However, Charlie has found a new profession and gets off of a plane in China to take the first step of his new career as an English teacher.
Charlie is forced to suffer through one crises after another which ultimately results in Charlie being chased by the Chinese Public Security Bureau. The book for audiences is cathartic as karma works it magic and a London banker gets his just desserts. For Charlie however his Chinese days are atonement and his Chinese nights, through a series of dreams involving Chinese protagonists are vehicles of self examination. Charlie’s ultimate apology takes place in a dream
manufactured self examination criticism session worthy of the cultural revolution itself.
- Publication Date
- May 3, 2010
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Phillip Kivernun
- Format