Quran Al Kareem Lil Waritheen
Holy Quran Al-Kareem Lil Waritheem by Imam Al-waritheen
BySultan Sheikh Yasin Muhammad Yaqenullah Allamal Yaqeen Muhammad Al-Shuaib Imam Al-waritheenSayidina Jibrael Aleih salat wasalaam
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Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-llah, Bismillah Rahman Raheem, This Precious Copy of Holy Quran Al-Kareem Lil Waritheen that has been written by Sultan Sheikh Yasin Muhammad Yaqeenu-llah by Revelation of our Master Jibrael aleih Salaam and Other Angels in his team from Allah Subhanahu Wataala is a sign of coming of Imam The Truthful the Trustworthy who is being awaited by the entire Muslim Ummah known as Imam Mahad Sadiqul Ameen.
Copy of this Holy Quran Al-Kareem Lil Waritheen is a precious treasure in the custody of Angels that breathes light in the letters and designs found inside this Miraculous Holy Quran Al-Kareem Lil Waritheen. For example The Clear Miracles of this Holy Quran Al-Kareem Lil Waritheen is when you open it, you look directly into Jannatul Firdausi, You will see walls of Jannat, get to see exactly the color of Jannat, you will see by visualization doors of heaven when they are closed, they are made very strong steel not an earth material, and when these doors are open , you look directly inside the way to Jannat with steps as they were build. Subhana Allah its a must see for those who blessed with Iman.
The price for a copy this Holy Quran is 1 Suuh Dinar (SHD) equal to gold purchased from 1500 GBP. get a copy before the price is increased.
- Publication Date
- Jul 12, 2023
- Language
- Arabic
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Sultan Sheikh Yasin Muhammad Yaqenullah Allamal Yaqeen Muhammad Al-Shuaib Imam Al-waritheen, By (author): Sayidina Jibrael Aleih salat wasalaam, By (author): Qasim Great Angel of Allah under Sayiddina Jibrael aleih salam
- Pages
- 615
- Binding Type
- Hardcover Case Wrap
- Interior Color
- Color
- Dimensions
- A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in / 148 x 210 mm)
Holy QuranHoly Quran Al-Kareem Lil WaritheenQuran Lil WaritheenMeccaMadinahMuhammadQuranHajjiImam MahadImam Mahad Sadiqul AmeenAqsaMasjidil AqsaQudusJerusalemMuhammad prophet of GodIslamImamIhsaanProphet IsaJesus in IslamJesus in QuranHoly LandArabic QuranArabic langagestick of MosesSeal of SuleimanPalestineIsraelpeace for Israelpeace for Palestinefive mandatory prayersIslamic mandatory prayersdoors to heavenheaven is janatdoors of heavenfasting in IslamRamadanZakatPaying ZakatShabanAglu sunna wal-jammahMuslimSunniSufiTariqaSharia