Enter the World of Coren; a place where myth is reality and reality is an old forgotten legend...
A reclusive young mage is brought into a fiery princess's quest to free the Ancient Winged Ones from their prison within the Glass Dome. It has fallen upon a chosen few, the Children of Legends Old, to once more free the Winged Ones from their prison.
From the heart of the Elf King's kingdom, his granddaughter sets out on her quest with her cousin by her side. In a chance encounter in the Wild Woods of her grandfather's kingdom, the princess and her cousin are beset upon by the Immortal's men.
It is only when they encounter the mage in a small village known as Grekan, as a trial is underway for the punishment of a crime committed long ago, does the mage realize exactly what he is being drawn into. A savage attack by the Speaker of the Wild Woods leaves the princess on death's door. Her only hope for survival is that of the reluctant mage.
- Publication Date
- Sep 30, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Rebecca Evans
- Format