One of the most amazing and beautiful things found in nature is the fragile and elusive frost flower. Frost flowers really aren't flowers at all, so you can't plant them, pick them, or collect seed from them, nor can you plan on when you might see one, because the weather conditions have to be just right for them to occur. What at first glance may look like billowy puffs of cotton or wadded up pieces of toilet tissue tossed on the ground, are actually ice crystals that formed during the cold of night.
- Publication Date
- Apr 24, 2022
- Language
- English
- Category
- Education & Language
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Rebecca Knox
- Format
Frost FlowersHomeschoolingNatureMDCConservationFlowersPrarieNature StudyhomeschoolMissouriFour StatesFrostMissouri Frost FlowersPlantsNativeNative MissouriNative Missouri PlantsUnit StudysUnit StudyUnitStudyEducationallyEducationalHomeschool WorkSchoolElementaryPrimaryYoung Adult SchoolHome schoolHome schoolingChildrenChildPrarie State ParkPSPUsa