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Greater Key of Solomon Series: 6th Pentacle of Jupiter by Rev. Jeff Rhoades

Greater Key of Solomon Series: 6th Pentacle of Jupiter by Rev. Jeff Rhoades

ByRev. Jeff Rhoades

The Greater Key of Solomon, which many have attributed to the biblical King Solomon, is believed to date from about the 14th or 15th Century. However, upon close examination of the text by the author, it appears that the translators never saw fit to correct errors that exist in some of these Talismans. This book seeks to correct such errors, as well as provide a working metaphysical system and charging ritual. The general rituals in this book have been personally practiced and used by the author for over 2 decades. The Pentacle Charging Ritual taught in this book is specifically designed to empower the 6th Pentacle of Jupiter. The effect of the 6th Pentacle of Jupiter is said to "protect from all earthly dangers." Here, for the first time, is the corrected 6th Pentacle of Jupiter and all the rituals necessary to charge, consecrate, and use it.


Publication Date
Mar 4, 2024
Religion & Spirituality
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Rev. Jeff Rhoades



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