A Cheerleader, a Priest and an Artist walk into a bar...
The town of Wambagali, whose name was derived from the language of the local Kamilaroi people - Wamba meaning Mad and Gali meaning water, has its tensions like any small town. A torrent of intrigue, romance and revenge overcomes the town with the arrival of three newcomers.
Chloe Pritchard, the 'it' girl from the city, starting her new life as her old one was derailed by Covid and being dumped by her rising star Rugby League playing fiance. She soon realises that fitting into country life isn't going to be easy.
Helen Collins, a local landholder, finds her abrasive, but her son Clint has a different reaction altogether.
Father Jude McCaully arrives to take up his new role as school principal and is confronted by an old friend and a hidden secret.
Flamboyant artist Roberto Greco seems ill-suited to small country town life but he beguiles the local township with his charm.
Wambagali has its secrets, and so do many of her residents, even the newest ones.
Wambagali - Mad River is the first book by authors Georgie Hockey and Robbyn Brown. They have drawn from the characters and places in their life to bring you a rich story filled with images of the Australian bush.
- Publication Date
- Mar 2, 2024
- Language
- English
- 9781446179314
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Georgie Hockey, By (author): Robbyn Brown
- Format