Hope, the son of Limitation and Mediocre begins his journey to the Island called Greatness. Uncle Doubt stands on his way, as well as Limitation his mother. His home in Happy-Go-Lucky town is the worst of all, called the Dilapidation dwellingplace. Hope was like a lone ranger who wants to leave his town and get to the Island of Greatness by all means. The hurters in the Hurt huts would not let him be; how shall he escape the distractions of the Flirts in the Flirts' flats and the Flatterer's flats too? What did Mr. Cheat and his cousins, Conceit and Deceit did to Hope in the Duplicity duplex? What about the castrated giants living in the Castration castle? Lots more!
But Hope has his consolation with old Father Sage who lives in the Dotage cottage, else he would have lost his life to the torture of Mr. Oppressor, the Garment of Torment, Hammer of Harm, Attire of Satire, and so on.
Let's see how it all happens!
- Publication Date
- Aug 19, 2013
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Sammy Hoe
- Format