Volume Two includes The Colar Boys adventures of The Four Prophets, Five Alive, and The Men from Palla. Continued from Volume One, Larrytam and Aron aid and rescue enslaved Colar and earth humans from the mining planet known as Habronsan. Myra Song, the Florek inter trader, once again enters the picture and works with the two free Colar, as Larrytam and Aron work to free their people.
Aron’s kidnapping in Five Alive results in a dangerous mission run by operatives working with the Colar government. Myra Song is a strong woman working with the support of honorable men. Life isn’t easy, it never is, but Myra has the ability to overcome obstacles.
This is story of struggle and hope. The Colar Boys, and the people they encounter, only try to better their situation when confronted with a challenge. These men and women may seem familiar, though the settings are new.
Written for all ages.
- Publication Date
- Feb 19, 2018
- Language
- English
- 9781387607792
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Scott C. Anderson
- Format