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Poems, Songs and Plays for the Primary School (A4paperback)

Poems, Songs and Plays for the Primary School (A4paperback)

BySean David Burke

The great thing about sharing materials is that it means that later, when I’m gone, the stories, songs and verses that I’ve enjoyed sharing with my own classes might still be doing the rounds. Perhaps it could even occur prior to that; I do love hearing another class singing a verse I’ve penned years before. All of the materials here have been written for the classroom, and have been tried and tested there. This doesn’t mean they will work for you, but if you are careful, and pick out what really appeals to you, then I expect things will turn out all right. Really, the trick is to use a verse or story only as the starting point, and to tap into your own creativity, which will be much more useful and relevant for your own classes and circumstances. Some notes are attached to each piece to help them become more useful, but ignore these as it suits you.


Publication Date
Nov 2, 2011
Education & Language
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Sean David Burke



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