Bazgasht, meaning return or homecoming, is a journey of self discovery through the eyes of two childhood friends. Revisiting their homeland, the mystical world and richness of Persian culture revitalises their spirits. Influenced by the writings of the Persian philosopher Attar, each finds new ways of coping with the difficulties of life as they get to know themselves and understand others.
بازگشت به قلم دکتر شهیره شریف
بازگشت داستانی است بر اساس حوادث وافعی که ماجرای سفر دو دوست قدیمی به ایران و دغدغه های فکری راوی را بیان می کند. این سفر موقعیتی است برای خودشناسی و شناخت جامعه ایران.
- Publication Date
- Feb 18, 2015
- Language
- Farsi
- 9781326190156
- Category
- Biographies & Memoirs
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Shahireh Sharif
- Format