Three must find an heir to a dying king: Yldrath, a mythical figure with great powers; Podrg, a close friend of the king; Stelldan, a kitchen boy elevated by circumstances to his position. Their weapons: necklaces and swords with eternal stones, which can give them unlimited powers – if they understand how to use them.
This action packed story revolves around the struggle between the peaceful way of Ehl’Ge’tild and the more energetic - and selfish - way of Ihl’S’told.
Love mixes with lust, honour meets bitter betrayal, selfish greed competes with altruistic sacrifice. What is evil and good? Truth? Love?
Things go awry, people die and new contenders appears. Yldrath changes as does his main enemy Bevelug, a woman. Does she want to kill Yldrath or marry him to establish a great new dynasty?
Mix Narnia, The Lord of Rings and Harry Potter. Add illusions created in an Orwellian manner and a dash of The Alchemist and we get a Shakespearean mix of comedy, romance and tragedy – but with more action. Enjoy!
- Publication Date
- Feb 23, 2014
- Language
- English
- 9781291758108
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Stefan B Sigfried
- Pages
- 513
- Binding Type
- Hardcover Case Wrap
- Interior Color
- Black & White
- Dimensions
- US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)