The Vigilante Taxi is a fast paced action crime thriller. It tells the story of two emotionally scarred people, Nicky and Didi (Deidre) who find each other when he saves her from two rapists in an alley in the early hours of one morning. They are made for each other, having both suffered sadness and tragedy in their lives, but, can they survive Nicky’s time as a taxi driving vigilante who has shot and killed five violent criminals? Though Nicky has no idea, the police, and a sadistic drug dealer seeking revenge, are getting closer. The police just want to stop him, but the drug dealer wants to kill him.
- Publication Date
- Jun 13, 2016
- Language
- English
- 9781326702694
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Stephen B. King
- Format