JOURNEYS OF MASTER WIZARD FARANGU (III) is the third of a series of Modern African Fiction for adults and children about the vast Continent of Africa. These are tales and legends of Master Wizard Farangu who undertook the damned and thankless task to reform wizardry, witchery and sorcery norms from essentially evil and destructive motives and outcomes - to good and constructive motives and outcomes. Master Wizard Farangu toured around Africa to right wrongs, establish due justice and turn these dark arts into advantageous scientific knowledge. Follow and experience Master Wizard Farangu's MWFC's benevolent wizards, witches, sorcerer and sorceresses activities.
- Publication Date
- Aug 7, 2012
- Language
- English
- 9781291021714
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): STEVE ESOMBA, Dr.
- Format