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Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 28

Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 28


ByStrider Marcus Jones

Usually printed in 3 - 5 business days
Welcome to Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 28 – Messengers. Lothlorien Poetry Journal is a contemporary literary journal featuring free verse/rhyming/experimental poetry, short stories and flash fiction. Journey with these 73 superb poets and fiction authors as metaphysical messengers on the road. Immerse yourself in poems and stories that linger and haunt. Discover sublime works of fantasy, fairy tale and folklore, dreams and dystopia, nature and magical realism with romance and anything hiding deep in-between the cracks. Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected. Mahatma Gandhi Love is the way messengers from the mystery tell us things Rumi I'm a messenger. I'm one piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Simon Sinek People want to listen to a message, word from Jah. This could be passed through me or anybody. I am not a leader. Messenger. The words of the songs, not the person, is what attracts people. Bob Marley As a writer you have a duty to be a messenger. Jay Griffiths Coincidence is a messenger sent by truth. Jacqueline Winspear Every word is a messenger. Some have wings; some are filled with fire; some are filled with death. Mary Oliver Still let my tyrants know, I am not doomed to wear Year after year in gloom, and desolate despair; A messenger of Hope comes every night to me, And offers for short life, eternal liberty. Emily Bronte Old and New by Dejan Stojanovic If an ancient man saw planes two thousand years ago He would've thought they were birds Or angels from another world Or messengers from other planets. Every new machine would have surprised him— The car, TV, radio, phone, camera. He would've thought he was a savage Who didn't understand. If he saw a computer, Watching people talking on the internet, He would have thought it was a civilization Much more advanced and ahead of his. And if he stayed longer among the messengers He would have learned that every child had the knowledge And understanding of these things Or how to use all of them. Yet, after a while, he would have noticed That none of them were advanced enough To be labelled as those who know more Than the one who said: I know nothing.


Publication Date
Nov 25, 2023
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
Edited by: Strider Marcus Jones


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
Black & White
Crown Quarto (7.44 x 9.68 in / 189 x 246 mm)

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