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Nichiren on KARMA

Nichiren on KARMA

Selected writings to define aspects of Karma

BySylvain Chamberlain

So, what is karma anyway? Karma is not cause and effect. Karma is not good or bad or indifferent. Karma is not retribution or a behavior or an act of will or bad habit or human vice. Karma is momentum. We live in a period of human development when very few of us are unfamiliar with the terminologies of science in our daily speech. I want to speak in terms familiar to as many of us as I can. So this writing will include many familiar concepts and terms in order to provide a working mental framework for insight into the nature of karma, Buddhist thought, and deeper understanding of the discussion of karma. I am not inventing some pseudo-science here to upset the academic pursuits of scientific discoveries, rather I am applying some attributes of scientific method to construct a logical mental exercise to grasp the profound significance of Buddhist thought and understanding of the “Engine of Life”.


Publication Date
May 18, 2023
Education & Language
Creative Commons NoDerivatives (CC BY-ND)
By (author): Sylvain Chamberlain



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