Tehran is the capital city of Iran. It has been changed during last several decades. Among other social and cultural changes, the Tehranian family has changed more drastically compare to other social institutions.The data shows that the rate of marriage declined and divorce has increased. In addition, there are a complicated relationship among three different generations. If the old (first) generation had helped the two others and they listened to it, now they do not care about the old generation and sometimes we can see that when this generation get older, they would like to put them in nursery home. Even that, this generation still try to keep the family alive and help the third generation grow up and handle all they can make the life better for them. Even most of the thinkers has tried to say that this family will destroyed in the future, but there are some social and cultural indicators which shows the family is in the process of changes and we will see a new phase of it in the near future.
- Publication Date
- Mar 13, 2013
- Language
- Farsi
- 9781300832577
- Category
- Art & Photography
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Taghi Azadarmaki
- Format