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Breathing Legend

Breathing Legend

Blessed To Be Breathing

ByTerrance Nails

"Da'Prolificlly Scribed Poetic Ink-Stains Of Poverty" I had a mother by birth, a father by squirt, siblings by blood but I walked alone on this earth.. Emotionally seeking a connection unseen; while Mentally reaching for a image a shape even a shadow...that leads to person no Angel that helped me to be breathe. Crushed but still blessed... Because that Angel I once seen.. Was now tainted and wounded also without Halo or Wings.. For lack of role models... And most of all a absent never present ( SQUIRT/SPERM DONOR) and still to this day I will not bless you with me saying F@+#*&...... Left lost and lonely... Just Searching... Just wanting..... YOUR ACCEPTANCE AND MAYBE JUST MAYBE A LITTLE EMOTION... WE CALL IT LOVE!!!!! MOMMA I LOVE YOU BABY NO DISRESPECT I SWARE.. YOU GAVE ME LIFE..GAVE ME LOVE AND COMPASSION TILL THE DAY OF YOUR LAST BREATH!❤️ Just FROM A DISTANCE WITH A HEARTFELT MESSAGE THAT SAID: MY SON MY BABY I DO AND HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU.. JUST FROM A FAR NOT TO HURT YOU. OH NO.. NOT EVEN FROM HATRED, ENVY, ILL WISHES OR SPITE! SEE YOU MY BABY WAS CHOSEN BEFORE LIFE! YOUR STRONG INTELLIGENT BUILT TO BATTLE AND CONQUER LIFE.. I found comfort learned structure sought fortunes.. YEP.. YOU know where this going. I stayed away from them as a kid. Cause everything else compared to me.. to fast.. let me build up speed. As a teen, would you really believe: I Me this troublesome intelligent misguided teen.. ** Impregnated someone daughter... Yes me a father to be.. A BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER BEFORE THE AGE 13.😔 OH . Yeah almost forgot.. this where i finish my statement: no running no walking.. I BECAME THE STREETS!. Many trials and tribulations from he say she say to being the reason a couple families buried son with pain. Stripped of my of material chain's... Goodbye rights... Branded like cattle..Bound buy chain's. sent away from all family.but part was not the pain.. Got beat on some occasions: But I kept on standing.. Listening to them ....... { Respect my self display manners} people of the law that just so be men just like me..taking every blow. REFUSING to fight back or most of all give them any power or chant's of pleasure by me screaming out in pain ! Listening as the leave...Me Battered and bruised embracing the floor.. Thinking About my children.. My strength my drive my flesh my souls... " Doing my best to block the pain...


Publication Date
Sep 21, 2022
Biographies & Memoirs
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Terrance Nails




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