Black is the colour of mourning, the colour of night, the absence of light, nothingness. Prose and poetry from those brave, or foolhardy, enough to plumb its ebon mysteries. Featuring the work of Sarah Doyle, Carolyn Smuts, Nancy L Meyer, Maroula Blades, Peter Branson, David Subucchi, J J Steinfeld, Joan McNerney, Nicolas Ridley, Barbara Ruth, Sylvia Ashby, Janet McCann, Colleen Quinn, James B Nicola, Rosetta Newman, Len Saculla, John Tustin, A J Huffman, David Turnbull, Jim Smith, Mark Lewis, Donal Mahney, Alcebiades Diniz Miguel, Kevin Heaton, Samantha Porter and Allen Ashley.
- Publication Date
- Dec 18, 2015
- Language
- English
- 9781326509590
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Terry Grimwood
- Format