In this alternate future the English defeated the American colonist uprising in 1776. By the year 2277 the British Empire spans over half the planet. Their only opposition is the Chinese Communist Collective but for now there is a tentative peace.
Sir Arthur Riddle is dispatched to the Caribbean to bring the notorious pirate Cage Lambert to justice. Far removed from the rule of law found in the heart of the Empire, he must seek out unlikely allies and be prepared to make sacrifices he had never considered in order to complete his mandate. Before his ordeal is finished, he must take a journey into the depths of his very soul.
At the same time, the heir to the throne, Princess Crystal, is sent to the other side of the world to investigate a conspiracy that threatens their very way of life. As she works to uncover the threat, she must deal with her growing but forbidden feelings for Jonothan and her mounting dissatisfaction with her society’s traditions.
- Publication Date
- Oct 1, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Fiction
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Thomas Moscato
- Format