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Deliverance From the Power of Depression

Deliverance From the Power of Depression

(My Personal Journey)

ByWillie T. Lawson

This book is the story of a warrior who fought a battle that was months long. The battle that tested him and his faith at every step and a battle that only a few can conquer. It was a battle with depression. Depression has the power to steal colors from anyone's life and make it black and white. When Willie encountered this beast, he was not in his best form. For him, it was as if he was thrown in a dark well with a dead end. It seemed impossible for him to escape it at that time. He became weak at first, but then he saw the light in that blinding darkness, it was the light of God. He kept following that little light, and soon it became a path for him to escape that dark well. This is the reason why he decided to write this book to help those suffering from depression, for he now knows better how depression can take the life out of a person and only leave a breathing body behind.


Publication Date
Oct 30, 2020
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Willie T. Lawson



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