Each chapter of "The People of the Apocalypse" is a separate in-depth Bible study that focuses upon those who appear in prophetic Scripture. By utilizing the Lord Jesus Christ's chronological unfolding of the End Times in Matthew 24: 3-31, each person or people group is studied in order to show their individual role in Bible prophecy. This Bible study method provides insight into how God will bring to pass His purposes during the last days. Many views of when the raputre occurs abound today, including the Pre-Trib/Pretribulation, Mid-Trib/Midtrib, Post Trib/Post Tribulation theories, and Pre-wrath/Prewrath. But the Lord's primary focal points of the End Times are His Church, His holy people the Jews, and His holy city Jerusalem. He will rapture His Church and send His prophets, along with the 144 thousand, to the Jews in order to bring to pass their glorious redemption. This book is an excellent tool for personal Bible Study or as a teaching resource for the study of prophecy.
- Publication Date
- Sep 30, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Evangelist Larry E. Wolfe, By (author): www. btmi.org
- Format