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The Pathway of Legacy 2

The Pathway of Legacy 2

ByZorro Daddy

Explicit Content
This is adult material and therefore not intended for minors. An adult age play story about two females who fall in love and explore the depths of a dynamic uncommon. Katherine has just been given a re-education over the summer that redefined for her the meanings of: obedience and submission. The Pathway of Legacy 2 details the events of her first semester of graduate school, pledging to a sorority and being subjected to a daily routine of humiliation that rewires her mind, reminding her that all actions have a consequence. And that consequence will be faced. As a graduate BabyGirl, Katherine reinvents herself, being given two avenues of choice. One will make her falter. The other will make her a legacy. But both choices have pros and cons. I love writing sequels and I do hope you enjoy The Pathway of Legacy 2 - a story of triumphs and failures, how to manage them both and how to wear a short skirt while also wearing a diaper. This is adult material and therefore not intended for minors.


Publication Date
Mar 9, 2022
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Zorro Daddy



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