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Image of Author Ted Fichialos

Ted Fichialos

Drema Day has been a nurse for almost thirty years. She is presently in the Nurse Practitioners Program at Winston Salem State University and will graduate in May of 2013. Ted Fichialos, after graduating from Winston Salem State University in 2002 was the Director of the Student Union at Winston Salem State University for eight years. Ted completed his Masters Degree in Adult Education in 2005 and is presently a Project Manager in the department of Planning and Engineering at Winston Salem State University. Ted Fichialos back in 1995-97 at the age of forty was the oldest starting college football player in the country at Winston Salem State. After being together for over two years Drema and Ted decided to write this very personal book in hopes that through their experiences living with this condition they may be able to help others that are facing some of the same challenges.