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Image of Author Alice Finnamore

Alice Finnamore

In the spring of 2003, I began to write The Glory of Being, to pull together my own theology, for myself. My understanding of God and spirituality had changed significantly. At the time, I did not know that I was deconstructing, or had deconstructed, or that deconstruction was a normal part of maturing spiritually. My thoughts continue to change and grow. In 2012, I knew I was being called to ministry with the United Church of Canada. I was ordained in May 2019, having returned to school and graduating yet again, this time from United Theological College, as I approached my 60th birthday. The Glory of Being is a snapshot of my thoughts in 2003. I expect there will one day be a new book, which in my dreaming of it is called Glory 2.0. My second book, Reaching for Wholeness will take you into self-growth, particularly in relationships with others and your Self.