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Image of Author cjohnsonatlaselldotedu


Chris Johnson is a Human Performance Enhancement Coach. Chris obtained his Masters degree from Lasell College, a small New England private institution, which is accredited by the NSCA and ACSM. During his undergrad, he interned at Harvard University's Strength and Conditioning Department and ProActive Fitness. He is also currently an active member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Registered Strength & Conditioning Coach, USA Track and Field, National Society of Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health, American Trail Running Association, and Road Runners Club of America. He has been the captain of both his high school and collegiate teams and qualified for the Boston Marathon numerous times. His top marathon finish is 4th place overall (Hyannis 2009 & 2010) and half marathon finish is 2nd place (131 Boston Marathon 2010 & Cape Ann Half Marathon 2011).