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Image of Author Dan Tabor

Dan Tabor

Born just after Midnight in Pasadena California on Friday the 13th of June 1969, Dan Tabor was a very peculiar fellow from the get go! Addicted to The Twilight Zone, Leonard Nemoy's In Search Of , Unsolved Mysteries & every B-horror movie ever made, MR Tabor's craft for spine tingling fiction & comedy remains open & unhindered. Hometowns are split seasonally between Williamsburg VA & South Bend IN. A Lafayette High School graduate (1989) in Williamsburg Virginia, Dan Tabor has trekked most of America's lower 48 states, ventured & romanced Paris France (where his biggest influence Jim Morrison is laid to rest) & is now a devout Unitarian Universalist & spokesperson for The Make-A-Wish Foundation. "Life Together: The Way Life Should Be" is the author's own self described modern day "Catcher In The Rye" & claim to fame, but now only writes secular humanist blogs aswell as about his many travels.