Don Alberts
Welcome to the Don Alberts Store at Lulu. Browse the list, access the book previews and make your selection. More items added soon including full length novels, short stories, poetry and music books. Please contact us by email with your comments and requests..We are pleased to announce the release of the fifth edition of "A Diary of the Underdogs-Jazz in San Francisco in the 1960's." Please give it a review and watch for it at your local bookstores. Also for poetry fans, see "Ancient Warrior-Selected Poems from 1995 to 2005" on sale now at a special price. Also, "The God Fire Mantras," a new collection of short stories. New update, Volume 15 of "Original Jazz Compositions" available now on lulu-Also a new collection of poetry in hard cover-"Treasures We Share.'' New release on Lulu, "Beyond the Grand Matoeba," a novel of outdoor adventure. Find it here and others on lulu....