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Image of Author Jen Casper, Spiritual Guide and Intuitive Coach

Jen Casper, Spiritual Guide and Intuitive Coach

Jen Casper has always been different, special, and unique. As an empath, she can see and feel what others may not understand. Using her gift of intuitive guidance, she can correspond intimately with angels, archangels, and the ascended masters gaining valuable insight to help others. Life is full of questions and, sometimes, the answer is hidden just below the surface. Jen uses her intuitive abilities to help others with their experiences by answering questions that, otherwise, would HAVE no answers. Her intuitive coaching programs allow clients to move forward faster, heal old wounds, and define their lives with clarity. She helps them to achieve the greatest outcome possible if they are ready to redefine their lives and create something new. As a Reiki Master, Spiritual Surgeon, Ordained Minister, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, and certified in the holistic healing practices of SpR, SRT, IET, Spiritual Surgery, TIR (Trauma Incident Reduction), Psych-K, ThetaHealing, Metaphysical Anatomy, and hypnotherapy, Jen uses holistic treatments and techniques within her spiritual counseling to help each person heal their body, mind, soul and life experiences. She inspires others to recreate their present experience by gaining empowerment by making hard decisions more manageable. Jen teaches her clients and students to choose to find the courage to create change because they want and desire