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Image of Author JOHN BALL


Hello, my name is John Ball. I am a Speaker, an Author and a Producer/Songwriter. Welcome to my journey. I have had some experiences that have led me to this point in life and I now believe that the experiences had a purpose. I have a desire to help and try to do some good. To be a better man. I am seeing that helping someone else is a greater reward than anything I could have imagined. I feel humbled by the kindness and love I have received and I want to try to give back. I offer Audiences two very unique experiences with my Presentations. I have "front line" experiences in both topics and I have spent a lot of time in the trenches also. I have skin in this game. This has inspired me to want to help others if I can as a result. JUST LOOK!! A book to help businesses mititgate employee based fraud and "THE INTRUDER" Johns journay against Negative Self Talk Each of the presentations are accompanied with a Book to be used as a companion to the talks I do. Read below for the overviews and feel free to reach out to me personally with any questions. I am here to help.... JB