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Image of Author LORNAMARIE


LornaMarie is the Winner of the BNLF 2019 Award in Recognition for Community Service. Born in Islington, London, she attended Marywood Grammar School and Methodist Girls High School, Lagos. In 1986 she bagged an award for emerging as the overall best student in her A-level examination result. Consequently, she gained admission to study Law at the prestigious University of Lagos, popularly known as Unilag. She obtained her LL.B (Hons) degree with honours at the University of Lagos in 1989. In 1990 Lorna attended the Nigerian Law School, Victoria Island, Lagos, and after completing the bar final examinations was called to bar as barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Lorna is a Chartered Librarian and member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professional in the United Kingdom. She is a member of CILIP Leaders Network in the United Kingdom. The author is a member of the Authors Alliance, headquartered in the United States. She is also a member of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarian (BIALL). LornaMarie is the writer of: The Judges and Lawyers Companion, How to write a good dissertation, a guide for university undergraduate student and The Power of words to the human spirit, soul, body and mind: a compendium of great speeches by world leaders and some landmark court judgement. She has a good sense of humour which complements her humanness, modesty and resourcefulness. Lorna is married with children.