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Image of Author Maureen Brice Bordelon

Maureen Brice Bordelon

The biggest take aways you will get from my published works is...Perception, Hope & Wellness! Shifting your mindset to embrace a healthy and happy: mind, body, soul. My first published book, My Autism HatRack-The Life Flip (2013,) is based on Autism and how it changed our lives. I found answers to heal my son and my family, that lead to an awakening of a better life. In 2019, I launched The Life Flip into an Audiobook with updates and insight, my voice as your guide. Many personal changes had occurred such as divorce and single parenting adventures, but the message stays the same: See the Child, not the Challenge. The Life Flip can be found on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. I hope you enjoy My Autism HatRack- The Life Flip, as it opens the door of enlightenment, to an epidemic affecting 1 in 25 children today and millions of families across the globe. Blessings & Wellness, Maureen