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Image of Author Mick DeJardin

Mick DeJardin

From 2004 to 2011 my wife and I rented, traded, bought & sold condos along the Mexican Riviera. It's a very complicated process for Canadians and Americans. The complications don't go away after the sale is completed. A Third World Country has it's advantages and disadvantages, but most of us Norte Americanos don't hear enough about the disadvantages. Home Owner Associations can and will change their policies yearly and somethimes even more often. If you bought your condo as an investment (say a rental property) make sure that renting is allowed. Some HOA's require a week minimum renta,l others have a two week minimum stay, and still others require a three week or monthly stay. All of the "existing" rules and regulations seemed to evaporate with the recession in the United States. "Scams" are everywhere, and seniors are losing their "nest eggs" on a daily basis. It doesn't have to be that way. Read this book and find out why paradise is closer than ever.