Rev. H. R. Curtis is a Lutheran pastor (LCMS) in rural Illinois. In 2009, he became an online editor for Gottesdienst: A Journal of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy. Before accepting his current call to the parish ministry, Pr. Curtis served as an adjunct professor of theology at Concordia University - Chicago. He is a regular contributor to scholarly journals of theology (Logia, Concordia Journal, Lutheran Forum), scholarly and pastoral conferences, Issues Etc radio, and lewrockwell.com. Books: From Lulu: Daily Divine Service Book: A Lutheran Daily Missal, 2010 Daily Divine Service Book: Rubrics and Prayers for Celebrant and Deacon, 2011 From Concordia Publishing House: Ordering Our Days in His Peace, 2008 Luther's Works Vol. 69, 2009 (Translator of several sermons and epistles of Martin Luther [Latin]) Loci Theologici of J. Gerhard, 2009 (Translator of prefaces [Latin]) Lutheranism 101, 2010 (Contributor) Treasury of Daily Prayer (Contributor, Translator [Greek])