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Image of Author Rushil Shah

Rushil Shah

Rushil Shah, a 17-year-old from Melbourne, Florida, is the president and founder of Brevard Finance for Youth Inc. After years spent learning about the ins and outs of the vast world of finance and developing an extensive personal finance curriculum he has now talked to 1500+ students in regards to financial literacy and is working to expand his organization across the United States. He has presented his work and showcased his advocacy for financial literacy in his very own TEDx talk and was featured in a story by NBC News. As a researcher, he has conducted and is still currently working on a multi-disciplinary study involving financial decision-making using a novel psychological and mathematical-based approach. He has presented this work twice at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, attended and shared his work at the Harvard Conference of Undergraduate Research, and was recently named a Ying Scholar at the State Level for his research in the subject area. He is the author of "Finance 101: Explained by a 16-Year-Old" and "The Entrepreneurial Journey to a Millionaire."