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Image of Author Raphaela Floréz

Raphaela Floréz name is Raphaela and I currently live in North-Rhine-Westphalia.. I'm from the late eighties..After graduating from high school, I first studied and then did an MTA training in the laboratory..and as a supplement, further training as a medical typist/ Graduated as an assistant. I have learned Spanish vor many years (with a stay abroad) and after a few months I noticed that one of the difficult topics ist o remember the irregular verbs, especially the verbs in the presence and indefinido. Only by comparing the present tense, indefinido and subjunctive it made it much easier to remember the irregular verb forms. The book or books are designed to show the Spanish grammar accordingly, so that everything I found difficult for example the use of the subjunctive or imperfecto vs indefinido are explained in detail again. There are also many tips for learning.