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Image of Author Zachael T.J. Presgrove

Zachael T.J. Presgrove

My name is Zachael, and I'm a nerdy bisexual with a love for fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and a passion for community, faith without religious regulation, and equality without strings attached. My writings feature an element of spirituality apart from the dogmatic views of organized religion, and inclusion and diversity that features heroes and protagonists, as well as antagonists, of all ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations. I try not to shy away from difficult subjects, and I seek to carve my own place in the realm of fiction literature, free from the restrictive labels placed by different genres. My worlds blend fantasy and science, and my characters are a mixture of skin colors, genders, and sexual orientations. My first work, the Kult of Salom'Sileyu, is a tale of a young elvish girl mourning the loss of her girlfriend at the hands of an ancient god, and is my proud introduction into my fantasy tales set in the Divine Logician Universe.