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Image of Author jodibassett


Jodi Bassett is an Australian writer, artist, designer, patient advocate, and the founder of the international M.E. charity, HFME. Jodi contracted M.E. in 1995 when she was just 19. Due largely to misdiagnosis and inappropriate medical advice in the early stages of the disease, she is currently severely affected, housebound and largely bedbound. For the same or similar reasons, the majority of the HFME contributors are likewise disabled. Very little advocacy exists for M.E. patients, and the HFME contributors have determined that despite their high disability levels, they must do what they can for M.E. rights. HFME contributors also aim to advocate for those non-M.E. patients who have been given the always meaningless ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’ diagnosis, and subsequently denied correct diagnosis and treatment.