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Image of Author Rebekah Copas

Rebekah Copas

Rebekah owns the propriety limited company dedicated to non-profit work, which owns the copyright to works presented here, with anonymous authorship. All proceeds generated from these publications will go towards developing a culturally appropriate indigenous Australian rehabilitation therapy, and establishing a centre for the treatment of addiction, within Aboriginal Australian Shamanism methodology. Rebekah herself worked as a youth worker, and has dropped out of university six times, but completed course work in: anthropology, history, linguistics, sociology, psychology, biology, chemistry, maths, anatomy & physiology, counselling, marketing, economics, micro-biology, and community education. She is currently studying homeopathy part time, and used to occasionally treat addicts with homeopathic remedies, but is taking a break from practicing in homeopathy whilst engaged in further studies now, wishing to establish an indigenous school of shamanism type college here in her land.