Alisa Michelle Dunn currently resides in Atlanta, GA but is originally from the small town of Eureka, NC. She is the mother of two beautiful daughters and has several degrees in psychology and counseling. She is also a retired US Army veteran of 20 years and is no stranger to giving back to the community. The spark that inspired Alisa to write, “Good Grief” came when she visited her father and mother’s grave on Mother’s Day 2022. As she cried and tears streamed down her face, she knew explaining this type of pain would help so many who deal with the grief of losing a loved one. Not only is this book about dealing with the loss of losing someone you love, it also describes the grief of making life choices that are not according to your life’s journey. She believes everyone has experienced grief in one form or another and while reading this transparent book about the author’s life, she hopes you will find comfort in knowing, you too can find good grief.
- Publication Date
- May 31, 2023
- Language
- English
- 9781312505629
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Alisa Dunn
- Format